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Asthma diet

Do you suffer from asthma?


You may just want to make a few tweaks to your diet. Certain foods can provide relief as well as prevent asthma attacks while a few of them can make your asthma worse. Here’s some guidelines about adequate asthma diet.

Allergic Asthma:  Allergies and asthma often occur together.

The same substances that trigger your hay fever symptoms, such as pollen, dust mites and pet dander, may also cause asthma signs and symptoms. In some people, skin or food allergies can cause asthma symptoms. This is called allergic asthma or allergy-induced asthma. There is a supplement called Quercetin that you might want to try as it is known to be very potent for allergies.


Go for probiotics
If you are looking for a natural way to deal with asthma, increase your probiotics intake. Yogurt is an excellent probiotic. Load up on probiotics you get from yoghurt, miso, fermented milk and other sources of probiotics or dietary supplements. Probiotic is key to boosting your immune system by building good bacteria in the gut.


Eat ginger
Ginger is loaded with anti-inflammatory compounds and is therefore is a powerful anti-asthma aid. It helps reduce the airways inflammation and is consequently therapeutic in the treatment of asthma. Ginger has no side effects, and you can use it liberally in cooking your food and as addition to your juices and smoothies. However, ginger is not an alternative to asthma medication just an aid.


Load up on omega-3 fatty acids
Chia seeds and flaxseeds are loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids and can be an excellent addition to your anti-asthma diet. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation and as a result help alleviating the symptoms of asthma.


Stick to a low-sodium diet
A low-sodium diet can improve your lung function and reduce the symptoms of asthma. A good way to decrease sodium intake in your diet is to cut down on processed and refined foods and eat plenty of fresh vegetables.


Eat foods rich in Magnesium

Magnesium helps the smooth muscles of the lungs relax and not contract. So ensure that you get enough magnesium in your diet. Brazil nut, cashews, bananas, kidney beans and bananas are some of the best sources of magnesium.  You can also try magnesium supplements.


Sprinkle rosemary leaves on foods
When grilling a fish or cooking chicken, scatter some dried rosemary leaves on it. It will not only enhance the taste but will also help reduce asthma symptoms. The herb is high in a substance called rosmarinic acid which combats free radicals as well as blocks the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals that trigger asthma.


Replace vegetable oils with olive oil
Did you know that a Mediterranean diet can be the healthiest for asthma? The generous use of omega-3 rich olive oil in the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of an asthma attack. So replace your vegetable oils and other types of fats with extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil. Remember not heat olive oil in high temperatures while baking or frying as it may damage the beneficial nutrients.  You can read more about which oils are best for cooking here.


Ditch the dairy
Allergies and intolerances to dairy products are common among most asthma patients. If you are intolerant to cow’s milk and other dairy products, it is best you avoid them. You can learn more about the difference between food allergies and intolerance here.


Cut down on raw foods
Reduce your raw food intake such as apple or lettuce as they may trigger asthma. Cooking foods can help reduce the risk of developing allergy symptoms. So it would be a good idea to cut down on salads and switch to baked apples from raw ones.


Limit omega-6 intake
Restrict the intake of omega-6 fatty acids as too much of it can increase the inflammation in the body by producing inflammatory prostaglandins. Sunflower oil, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and sesame seeds are rich in omega-6, so it is best you leave them in the shop.


Avoid food additives
Food additives and preservatives have been shown to trigger asthma. Compounds such as monosodium, glutamate, and sulphites present in the additives and preservatives can make asthma symptoms go from bad to worse. Food additives are a standard feature in canned vegetables, soft drinks, confectionery, chips, and sauces. The best way to ensure that you’re not consuming them is to eat unprocessed organic foods. Food additives will also make you gain weight. There are studies that show that the risk of asthma increases in women who gain weight.   


In addition to the dietary changes, it is also recommended to build up stamina by incorporating slowly increasing physical activity, such as yoga, into your lifestyle. These yoga asanas help reduce asthma.

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